How To Make an Airport Bed

1 min read

When saving money on flights, sometimes you hit the jackpot but end up with long layovers in random airports at weird hours of the night. The following steps will ensure you a good night’s rest.


Step 1: Use a purse, backpack, sweatshirt or whatever carry-on or semi-plushy object you have for a pillow.


Step Two: From your previous flight over to Europe, you might have noticed they gave you a blanket. I don’t care where you shove it to get it off the plane, but consider it a “gift” from the airlines. It will come in handy.


Step Three: Depending how persistent you are, many of the benches might be taken. You want enough room to stretch out. Look for completely open benches or ones with a person sitting at the far end (giving you enough room to lay out or create your best sleeping position). Word to the wise: We don’t sleep on floors. These have germs.


Final Product: This is what your airport bed should look like complete with a water bottle for extra hydration during those long layovers.Remember, if you have any other belongings, always have them wrapped around your wrist and/or ankle so they won’t get jacked.


These boys above listened to my advice.


This guy….did not.

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1 Comment
  • dgunsch
    July 31, 2012

    Funny; The Phoenix AZ airport has great cushy couches in the Starbucks!!!