Mug Shot Swedish ID Cards

2 min read
What is the difference between these pictures? Well, two of them are obviously Swedish ID cards…but the other two are mug shots. Enough said.

I experienced going to the Skatteverket (Tax office), last week to apply for my Swedish Identity card. This card is very important as it allows you to open a bank account, use your credit card, take free Swedish lessons, rent a movie, go to the doctor, and ditch your passport as a form of ID. So what I am saying is, you basically need to show your Swedish ID card to pet a dog on the street.

I took a number when I got to the office (of course) and waited roughly a half hour before my number came up. I then went into a little room with a little woman who spoke broken English, but English the same. She imputed all my information from my passport very slowly…then wanted to take my picture. Being an American, I asked if I could smile. She paused and stared at me. “No, you must have a natural expression.” I smiled at her and said,” but…this IS my natural expression!” She didn’t crack, just told me to look at the blinking red light.

My picture turned out looking like I just died on the last level of Frogger and I had no extra lives. So apparently, my natural face looks like anger mixed with a “REALLY?!”

They said I can pick up my ID in 4 weeks.

For more information on this process: go to Swedish Tax Agency (click the link) or Skatteverket. Make sure you have payed your 400 SEK before applying. You can go to any bank here in Sweden and do it…the banks do charge like 30 SEK to do this…but I found out if you go to a LOTTO stand where they sell also candy and stuff, they can do it for 15 SEK…


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