Stars and Tabby Cats

1 min read

The wind blew hard, lashing my blonde hair around my face. I was in my usual spot under the Mykonian windmills. The sea pounded against the shore, exhausted and in a never ending battle with the wind. The stars above shown like white embers at the end of a fire.

My thoughts of old friends, goals, love, trust, and life filled my head. This was my thinking place where I was alone and felt so put together.

I felt something graze my back. An old tabby cat with one eye missing had nestled against my polar fleece, using me as a sheild, and possibly, a comfort friend. Sometimes I feel like things can get so crazy and I never really know where a person like me can belong. Or where I’ll end up. My friends and loves can come and go, but I have always had myself and my back.

But tonight, was just me and the tabby against the world. I lay against his back, and he lay against mine.


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