The Art of Everything

2 min read

In the art of everything, we sing, we dance, laugh and cry, and hope that one day we can finally see life the way it was meant to see us.

This is the first day that I opened my eyes and saw the world for what it was. Everything and nothing. But eventually, you must choose. You are either fighting for everything or for nothing. In our experiences, we have all fought for something. With some, it was finding the freedom and beauty in the places and people we thought we never would. But we went out and did it; we discovered something inside us that we never thought we had. And to me, that is worth everything.

So what was I looking or running from? I was never running from anything, I am running to something.

Everything and nothing. Isn’t that what life comes down to? All our lives what are we running from? What are we trying to find? We chase our angels and hunt down our demons and in the end are never fulfilled. I say the fact that there is something out there that can give us hope that we will make our hearts true. True to the fact we know who we are.

Like an adventure, we seek the treasure that the world gives to us; the piece of mind that someday, somehow we will be content with the life path we have chosen. To be treated not as the uneducated but as the strength that we can prevail beyond the stereotype and understand that destiny has more ability and importance than we give it. Because in the end, it’s the fact that we have conquered something that is completely ours. We are all searching for something within ourselves, but there are very few of us out there that have the power to hunt, discover and claim that “thing” for us.



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