-The Art of Traveling-

5 min read

To all my friends, my family and the ones I have met on the way. Just read this.
I can’t tell you the story of who I am. I can only tell you the story of who I’ve become.
I came to Europe on May 30, 2008 with $4,ooo to my name an
d no one where I was going to KNOW my name. I found a job, an amazing place to live and friends I will know for the rest of my life.

In the past 7 months, I have been so happy I cried and been so insane that I went numb. I have been put in cultures where I didn’t know the language, people tried to trick me, pick me up, follow me, steal my money…But then I have been in cultures where they hug me, teach me customs, give me discounts because they want to help, talk about life, find me jobs and help me network.
I have something to admit. I started this expecting to go in a different direction. But I deleted it. I wanted to tell you something, all of you.I’m proud of you. Each and every one of you that I have chosen to send this too.I’m proud of you, and I mean it.
I have been country jumping and suddenly, I realized something. This so called “Living the Dream,” I speak of, is a dream that is mine.
But when I write abou
t living up to the dream, I mean to tell you that your dream is whatever makes your heart keep pounding in your chest. Whether it is being accepted into a Grad school, working towards a promotion, making your son or daughter laugh, moving and living in L.A, serving your country, loving your family, or traveling the world. We all share this similar “dream” I often speak of.
It’s the dream of Life.
You don’t have to do what I do to find what makes you happy. You just do it to keep you going towards an ultimate goal you have, whatever that is.
I am proof that if you have motivation, if you have a drive and enough passion in your heart and soul, you are unbeatable. That is when you become something I call a “travel warrior.” You have an idea in your head and no matter how many people tell you “isn’t it time to get a real job?” “shouldn‘t you settle down?” “everyone else is ahead of you in life.” That is when you smile and say “not today.”

But I have learned, that you dont have to come all the way to Europe to achieve what makes you happy. I came looking for something that in a way, I had all along. The three F’s.. friends, family and familiarity. It is not that I see myself as a superior because I have been to all these places. As long as you enjoy the world you live in and the life you lead, then you are in the right direction and no one should treat you otherwise. If you are truthful with yourself, then life is a simpler place.

Now enough of the life stuff. Here is the down and dirty points in a semi-sarcastic nutshell of each country:Greece:

  • Men will think you are easy if you give them the time of day
  • In supermarkets they only have carbs, carbs, oddly packaged unknown meat, and olive oil
  • Everywhere is an amazing view
  • Laws are bendable
  • If there is a party, chances are it is happening in Greece.


  • They expect you to know Italian, and if you don’t, they have no idea why.
  • The ancient structures are more jaw-dropping then anything I have seen (David, Tuscany, Duomo, Roman ruins)
  • Italians will have one gin and tonic and will be on the floor laughing in a fit of drunkeness
  • Their clothes are amazing and any of them can be a personal stylist
  • No matter how attractive the man is…he still is inexperienced when picking up women
  • It smells like chips and salsa, but there is none to be found
  • I dislike their traditional food Paella (yellow rice and seafood in a frying pan) and Tapas (bite sized meals you get with Sangria).
  • Valencian oranges are the best oranges I have ever had in my life!
  • Spain is unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life
  • Flamenco dancing makes me want to cry

Republic of Ireland:

  • When you are in Ireland, you wish you were Irish
  • Ireland honestly has a national drinking problem (they had to change the bar laws because people were going to work drunk still..)
  • Crossing the cross walks in Dublin are like pushing a button to your possible death…no one is positive anyone will stop..
  • Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are two separate countries…with different accents…and different currencies.
  • Ireland is as amazing and beautiful as you imagine it would be, with the nicest and generous people.

So here is what I have truly discovered about what I miss from America:
-Chips and salsa
-Just add water, 1 cup of vegetable oil and one egg cooking products like cookies, cakes, pies…
-Pharmacies being INSIDE grocery stores
-Knowing when I take cash out of my debit ac
count, it won’t charge me or screw me over with the exchange rate ie: 100 euro is 160 USD in disguise..
-The TV shows: Cops, Lost, Grey’s Anatomy
-My A-Squad and family
-Using a cell phone to talk as long as I want and not having to spend hundreds on phone CREDIT
-Using a debit card and not expecting a foreign fee

-Driving my Ford Focus
-Putting money in my bank account…legally.
-Being familiar with cities, freeways, street signs, languages, events, parties, clubs and whatever else you can imagine.

After everything is said and done in the life I lead, all I am left with is my will to try. Try to be successful, try to be a better woman than yesterday, and try to hold onto what I value. I am rare in the fact that I do what I speak of and I always will try no matter how impossible. Because to me, if you want something with every inch of your soul, nothing is impossible.

Thank you for listening to my adventure and being there for me when no one else was,
I now close my travel itinerary, and head back to familiarity

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1 Comment
  • Kaeli
    January 13, 2009

    are you coming home soon? you should call me or something when you get back id love to see you!