Don’t Let Yourself Forget

1 min read
In order to hold one down, the person must be willing to let go of everything they could possibly experience or witness in this short time we have. So why not cut loose the hands of time and watch the seconds move freely?

Say Goodbye to the old and hello to the unwritten.

This is a picture I took in Ios, Greece. I was on the highest point of the island, and I decided to ring the bell to let the world know I was alive. Instead of walking to the beat of the “American Dream” drum, I choose to dance across the world. These are the things I have learned that are of importance:

  • Love might be a mistake, but it’s worth taking.
  • The Aegean is the most beautiful thing in the world…next to the David, the Duomo, the Acropolis, the Venis de Milo, Santorini caldera, the grand canyon, Tuscany, Perugia dungeons, and French catacombs.
  • Don’t carry a 20 pound (10 kilo) suitcase and call it “backpacking.”
  • Shoes made in Greece withstand the apocalypse.
  • Bargain like hell.
  • Take Regional trains when traveling, it will save you money.
  • When alone, your camera, a book, and iPod are your three best friends.
  • Never settle for the path of least resistance.

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